Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Under Appreciated Record Volume #1

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Scream "Still Screaming" (Dischord Records)

When people think of Scream, usually the first thing that comes to mind is "Dave Grohl's band before Nirvana". While this is true, it's ironic that the best stuff Scream did was prior to Dave joining the band, a fact which I'm sure he could attest to. "Still Screaming" is a landmark album for a couple of reasons. Probably the biggest was that it was the first full length album that Dischord released. Another is the fact that, despite being a hardcore/punk band, these guys could actually play. The guitar work on this record is awesome, turning from fast, straight up hardcore beats, to dub, to mid tempo rock and back again. Another huge plus to this record is vocalist Pete Stahl. I think he's one of the most underrated hardcore singers of all time. The guy could sound super pissed off and still carry a tune, almost like if you took Kevin Seconds and H.R. and threw them in a blender. Actually, the music on this LP definitely has a 7 Seconds/Bad Brains kinda feel to it, so it all makes sense. While Scream managed to put out some good stuff after this, nothing was as solid as this album. It's still in print and if you get it on CD you get their second LP "This Side Up" on there as a bonus.

Get this if you like: Bad Brains, 7 Seconds, Minor Threat

For more info: www.dischord.com

****thanks to CC for pointing out that I had the wrong cover up. Thats what I get for only having stuff on CD/mp3. DOH!

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